Flickr is the new google images

Last night I was sitting on the couch listening to the sweet sounds of the Des-man's snoring, brainstorming cupcake ideas for one my brides. Why? Well, I'm not quite sure. . . the project is in the very capable hands of Josh Carr, baker extraordinaire. It probably had to do a just a little something with the rumbling in my stomach, but I digress.

So I searched "wedding cupcakes" on Flickr and my-oh-my did I enjoy myself. Didn't exactly help the tummy rumbling of course, but I found some fabulous cupcake ideas that might not be much use to me, but hopefully will give you all some ideas!

A&V Wedding Shower Cupcakes

'All you need is love' cupcakes

Wedding cupcakes with blush rose 'garnish'

'Just Married' cupcakes