Lovely Laundry

Y'all must think I have a serious shopping addiction. (I'm not denying it). But why else am I constantly showing you what to buy, buy, buy? But people, I know how it is. In the next three months I'm going to a bachelorette party, four showers and two weddings. Yeah, that's right. You've got people in your life to spoil, so let's get to it.

My latest obsession: The Laundress. . .just your typical line of luxury fabric care. You know, fancy stuff. Now would I buy fancy laundry detergent for myself? Yeah probably not. But if someone gave it to me as a gift? Well now we're talking.
The line features specialty detergents for different fabric types and colors and loads of laundry-related accessories you never new you needed, like hotel and travel laundry bags, Apres Laundry Cream, sweater stones and much more. Perfect for your new grown-up wardrobe and all those ahem, intimates, you'll be receiving for the honeymoon.