I have been tagged by Mary for a meme called Why I love Jesus.

The rules for this meme are:

- Those tagged will share 5 things they "love" about Jesus

- Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers

- Those tagged will provide a link to those they have tagged as well as the originator of the tag; to encourage others to visit them.

Now this is a great idea because as a Christian community we should encourage each other and visit each others' Blogs if only to say "Hello". I know we don't always have something to say in the comments box; but just "Hello" would encourage Bloggers in that they know they have been visited and their efforts appreciated.

OK here goes. This is a list of the Blogs I would invite you to visit starting with Mary plus five more. Just click on their names below to visit them:

Mary   Sarah   Karinann   Daily Grace   Michael    and Tracy.

I'm sorry they're not in alphabetical order, or any order for that matter. Blame it on a wasted education !!!

And now here are my reasons "Why I love Jesus".   

Jesus is the Son of God and He visited us here on earth as a human being, to share our humanity, to live amongst us, to listen to us and to teach us.

Whilst here He healed many people and raised them from the dead. He was all-powerful and all He had to do is think it, or click His fingers, and a person would be healed. But He did not do that. He took time to talk to the sick, the poor and the destitute. He touched them and they were healed or raised back to life. He took time to visit them in their homes and showed love and pity for them.

He was above all obedient. He obeyed His mother at the wedding in Cana and ultimately He obeyed His Father on the Cross.

Although He knew from a very early age what was to happen to Him, and the very thought must have tortured His mind many times throughout His life; He still accepted His destiny and died for us in a most cruel way.

He was then raised from the dead and as He ascended to Heaven He promised to be with us always, to the end of time. He is here with us right now. Only a prayer away. If we believe in Him and trust Him.