Shall we dance?

One of my good friends, Erin, will be getting married this summer and I'm so excited for her - it's going to be a beautiful wedding. Unfortunately the wedding is right around the time the little one is due, so I won't be able to be there in person, but I will be in spirit!

Erin's been trying to figure out just what song to dance to with her dear old dad on the big day and I think that's a tough one for most brides. In most cases you and your dad don't have 'a song' the way you and your future hubby do. And let's face it, you hear a lot of the same cheesy father-daughter songs over and over at weddings.
So what's a bride to do? Well first of all, if the dance is important to you don't leave making your choice until the last possible second. . .by the end of the planning process you'll have made so many decisions, you'll be ready to say yes to the first song you think of. Secondly, just remember there are no rules. . .it doesn't have to be traditional, it doesn't have to be classic, it doesn't have to literally sing about a father-daughter relationship, and it doesn't even have to be a slow song. It's about you and your dad - pick something you'll love to spin around to.
(Photo by Greg Gibson)
Personally some of my favorites are, The Way You Look Tonight (classic, yes, but try switching it up playing a different cover), Here Comes the Sun (The Beatles of course) Cheek to Cheek (I love the Fred Astaire version) and You Got It (Roy Orbison. I love me some Roy Orbison).

What are yours?