Well that does it, my Vogue subscription is definitely getting renewed. I forgot to change my address during our recent move, missed the last two issues and was wrongfully beginning to think I could live without it. I figured, big deal, I really shouldn't subscribe to so many magazines anyway (hey, I'm down to two from my height of seven!). Then I was taking a look at IDoSugar's gallery of famous wedding dresses and I saw a picture from Vogue's coverage of Lauren Davis and Andres Santo Domingo's wedding. Dang it. Two issues and I miss the one thing I've been waiting for!
What a gorgeous photo. The extravagant ceremony was held in Cartagena, Colombia. The bride wore a Nina Ricci dress and designer Olivier Theyskens was on hand for last minute touch-ups. I'd love to tell you more but unfortunately I haven't read the article. If you'll excuse me, I have to go call customer service.