Short and sweet

This week The Reliable Source reports on Jenna Bush's upcoming interview with Vogue, where she reveals details on her upcoming May wedding. . .including sharing a sketch of her bridesmaid dresses.
(Photo via

Sister Barbara Bush is the maid of honor and the only real bridesmaid, although the first daughter is having 14 attendants (Texans call them a wedding "house party" - who knew?), all of which will be wearing short chiffon green, blue, yellow and lavender dresses by Lela Rose.
(Photo via
I love, love, love the dresses and wish more brides experimented with different colors and different designs. The article also spills the beans on Jenna's own dress selection, she chose the organza beaded Oscar de la Renta design (#12 here) that she describes as "simple and elegant" yet "still casual".