Book lovers never go to bath alone

Hi there!

Do you enjoy the humourous stories posted here? And the Father Ignatius stories?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have all the stories together so you can read them any time without searching for them on this Blog?

Well, now you can.

All my stories have been published in E book format for you to download and read at any time.

And the good news is that they are FREE

Yes FREE. You pay nothing. Not a penny or a dime or whatever currency you happen to trade in.

Once you’ve downloaded a book you can copy it to CD, memory stick, blue ray disc or whatever other technological gismo you are familiar with. You can even print it, if you wish.

All you have to do is follow the links on the right of this post or at the top left tab of this Blog.

For those of you who prefer to read your books on Kindle or other electronic formats, my computer expert has made my books available, for a tiny charge, on AMAZON.

Just click HERE.

Thank you and God bless.