Dear readers,
Thank you for your good wishes and prayers.
I have just returned from being chaplain on a 13 night cruise on the ship Aurora. I would not have missed it for anything. It was as good as giving a parish Mission. I was at the beck and call of crew and passengers. My stay on the ship was just a small part of the world cruise many of the passengers were making. I got on the ship at Laem Chambang and got off at Dubai. The places we called at were Singapore, Port Kelang, Mumbai, Muscat and Dubai. I did not see a spot of rain. Sunny skies everyday while poor Britain froze. I came back brown as a berry. The cruise went without a hitch. Everyone was so kind. I was welcomed by crew and passengers. Some of the crew had not seen a priest for nine months. I met so many interesting people who shared their stories with me.
It was while on the cruise I celebrated my Golden Jubilee to the priesthood at the Easter Vigil ceremonies. I offered up the Mass for all present as I told them it was this day 50 years ago I was ordained a priest. The crew at the end of Mass presented me with a chocolate cake on which were written in yellow the words 'Congratulations'. Then they sang the song 'Congratulations and Jubilations.' I was really touched. About 150 crew and passengers were present. It was an occasion I shall never forget.
Most days I said two Masses, one for the passengers at 08.45 and another for the crew at 23.30. The crew Masses were well prepared and accompanied on a key board with lively hymns I had never heard. Some of the hymns were in the crew's native languages. The crew came for Goa, Mumbai and the Philippines.
God bless,
Fr. Francis