Vicky has just awarded me and several other Bloggers the Liebster Award. Thank you very much Vicky for this great honour.
The rules to this Award are somewhat long and complicated. So I urge you to visit Vicky and have a good read of her wonderful Blog.
Vicky sets 11 Questions for the Award nominees to respond. So here goes:
1. What do you love most about Christmas?
The reality of Christmas. The reality that God chose to visit this earth as a human as well as God. He visited this earth so that we might see Him, hear Him, learn from Him and be healed and raised from the dead by Him. To be forgiven by Him and … hopefully, to believe in Him and trust Him.
2. What's the first thing you do when left alone in the house?
If I answered that honestly you’d all come round my house and look through the windows!
3. What's your favourite food for breakfast?
Two slices of bread with sliced tomatoes and lettuce. Hot milky coffee.
4. What's your usual exercise regime?
I have a treadmill at home, but I take it easy with my exercise. I only walk slowly along the width of the machine whilst it is switched OFF !!!
5. What's your idea of a perfection vacation?
Working in the garden if it is sunny. Writing if it is not.
6. What sort of neighbour are you?
My neighbours enjoy my playing of the bagpipes. They have broken all our windows to hear me better.
To be honest, I am very frightened of my neighbours – well, the wife to be precise. She is very tall and thin and white-faced with long black hair all down her back. None on her head … just down her back. She looks like one of those women you see in spooky scary movies. She never smiles and can turn a man to stone by just staring at him. Last time she visited us for a garden party the birds got so scared they returned all the seeds they took from me the previous year.
So to answer the question … I am a scared neighbour.
7. If you were an animal, what sort of animal would you be?
8. What would you like to change most about yourself?
My vest and socks!
9. What is your favourite hobby?
Sitting down.
10. How would you describe your signature?
Slow hesitant handwriting. This is because I often have to check the spelling of my surname.
11. What do you see when you look in other people's faces?
It depends if I’ve been drinking or not. Do you know I get the same effect as drinking by just taking my spectacles off? Everything is blurred … cheaper too.