It’s funny how your mind wanders when you’re sitting in a doctor’s waiting-room. I thought:
Jesus died at the age of thirty-three.
He never lived to a ripe old age and, as a human, whom He was, as well as being God, He never got to experience what we humans experience as we grow old.
The pains of rheumatism and arthritis. The slowing down of our body and the inability to run or walk as fast as we used to. The odd lapse of memory. Difficulty with hearing or with seeing properly; and the many other ailments which beset us as we grow old.
Had He grown old like some of us do; would He have used His powers to heal Himself and take away the pain?
Of course, all this is pure speculation. The reality is that He died a most horrible and painful death on the Cross, which far far outweighs whatever ailments we suffer from as we grow old.
The fact that He has not experienced our old age, or any other experiences we go through in this world, does not mean that He doesn’t understand them and that He does not hurt when we hurt.
He feels our pain because He loves us. He accepted the torture of His death because He loves us.
Perhaps we too should try, as best we can, to understand and accept our age related pains with dignity. For His sake.
I know an elderly man who has had many illnesses and operations – he is in constant pain. Whenever I ask him how he is doing, he replies: Thank God I am OK – there are so many so much worse off than me.
Lately, he chuckled and added: Pain is a sign that you are still alive. When you stop feeling pain that’s when you should worry.
Dear Lord help those in pain right now. Amen.