The preacher was telling the congregation about the evils of drink. “To drink is to follow satan. Drink is bad for you. It will lead you to damnation”.
To demonstrate his point he put two glasses on the pulpit. One contained water and one contained whisky. He then produced a small box containing two worms which he had dug from the garden before the service began.
He placed a worm in the glass of water and it floated about merrily. He then put the second worm in the glass of whisky and after wriggling for a few seconds it died.
“What does this tell you?” he asked.
A member of the congregation replied, “If you have worms drink whisky”.
There’s a message in this joke for us Christians. How often, whilst well-meaning, we try to tell others about our beliefs and end up confusing them and perhaps, un-wittingly, driving them away from God rather than towards Him.
It is worth remembering that not everyone is at the same stage of knowing God as perhaps we are.
You wouldn’t feed a new-born baby pizza or French fries; would you? So let’s go easy with new Christians or people who have yet to know the Lord as we do.
The best way to teach Christianity is by living it as Jesus would want us to.
“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” St Francis of Assisi.