How important are you? Really?

How important are you? Really?

Who are you exactly?

Wife? Husband? Parent? Daughter? Son? Sister? Brother? Friend?

Married? Single? Divorced? Widowed?

What do you do in life?

Home-maker? Home-schooling? Self-employed? Employee?

Lawyer? Doctor? Mechanic? Carpenter ... ... ...

How many people rely on you in life?

Your spouse and children? Elderly parents and siblings? Colleagues at work? Neighbours and friends?

What do you do for them in life? Nurture your family who rely on you as your dependents? Help your parents with chores they can no longer do for themselves? Or be there for them as their health fails them? Be there for your family, siblings, colleagues and friends when they need you?

Perhaps you also help an elderly neighbour with the shopping, or gardening or other chores. Or you may visit people in hospital or in prison or provide food and clothing for the down-and-out in the streets?

Maybe you help in church with the cleaning, writing the newsletter, playing the organ or a member of the choir? Or be more active on the Parish Council or whatever else is needed to be done in church.

You know ... even the dog and cat rely on you for food and shelter!

Just think for a moment how many people rely on you and whose life you have touched by just being here right now. And how their lives would be affected if you were no longer here.

How important are you?

Very important, I should say. A VIP no less.

Think of that next time you pray. And ask God to look after YOU.

Not for your sake; but for the sake of all others who rely on you.

God bless.