Is saying “Sorry” the hardest word?
As human beings, it is inevitable that we will make mistakes and that unintentionally we will hurt others. So it follows that we should apologise when we err, and that we are forgiven our sins.
Yet, in this modern world of ours we hesitate before we admit our wrong-doings.
We see an apology as a sign of weakness. It would reveal a flaw in our character. Something to be held against us, which may well come to haunt us again in the future.
We feel threatened even, since, in this litigious society we have created, an admission of guilt could easily lead to claims of compensation.
So we go on the defensive. We deny wrong-doings. We refuse to apologise.
And “sorry” truly becomes the hardest word.
How lucky we are that God does not keep a record of our sins, and will never rush to Court for compensation when we hurt Him again and again.
Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, if my brother keeps sinning against me, how many times do I have to forgive him? Seven times?” “No, not seven times,” answered Jesus, “but seventy times seven.” Matthew 18: 21-22