Inspired by Sue Elvis, The Lobster Award is the latest honorable decoration to hit the Blogging World. As prestigious as any other Award before it and to come in future, this coveted prize is given to carefully selected Bloggers far and wide in the vast sea of turbulent waves and calmer waters that is called the World Wide Web.
This is no mere trinket given to all and sundry to parade proudly on their Blog side-bars for all to see.
This is no measly sardine sized Award on a slice of burnt toast, or a miniscule thin anchovy sliver fighting for attention on the immense sized Blogging Pizza on the Internet serving dish.
The Lobster Award is a majestic sized trophy in its own right.
Worthy of its own singularly desirable dish; served on a silver platter with no requirements whatsoever for a side-salad, or other such piffling interruptions to confuse and distract the most discerning of palates. .
The Lobster Award deserves a place on its own in the culinary mélange which is the Awards Industry. Served all by itself to the few carefully selected Bloggers who merit recognition and distinction from amongst their peers and the rest of society.
This magnificent and rarely presented Award is only given to those tireless and hard-working Bloggers who, despite the many vicissitudes which life may throw in their way, despite the magnitude of the task ahead in their daily grind that is this vale of tears, despite every obstacle, every hardship, and every discouragements and temptations to just click and move on to another Blog; they still find time to visit your personal offering and to regularly leave a message there in the Comments Box.
Yes friends and fellow Blogging Community. The Lobster Award is an honor given to those Bloggers who visit you regularly, no matter how feeble, tiresome, long-winded and sleep making your posts may be, and who leave a word of encouragement or good cheer in your Comments Box.
These brave and intrepid people who regularly visit your Blog time and again and encourage your own valiant Blogging efforts deserve more than a mere cup of tea and biscuits, more than a sardine on toast, more than a measly bit of anchovy on a slice of pizza. They deserve the best which International Cuisine can offer. They deserve The Lobster Award.
Over the years many such kind people have visited my humble Blog, this lone voice whispering in the vast wilderness of the World Wide Web, and through sheer fortitude and courage have found it within themselves to leave me a kind and soothing message to alleviate my loneliness and insomnia at the computer keyboard.
Friends, visitors, and writers of Comments, I salute you and proudly present you with your Lobster Award.
Please step forward to collect you memorable Lobster Awards, in no particular order, but not all at once so as to create a rush at the podium ...
Proudly copy the Lobster Award logo above on your Blogs and in turn feel inspired and encouraged to nominate others who visit and leave regular messages in your Comments Box.
The rules for nominations are simple:
1 Nominate someone who regularly visits your Blog and leaves a message in the Comments Box.
2 Tell them about their nomination.
Thank you and God bless.