In the midst of planning your wedding, while you were elbow-deep in place cards, seating charts and candied almonds, you may have turned to dear old Emily Post in order to get the etiquette down-low. I know she's been there for me when I've needed to confirm how exactly to address a tricky invitation or what time of day to host a bridesmaid's tea. Yep, Emily Post's
legacy is the perfect solution to every etiquette dilemma, but I can't help it, I just don't buy that whole 'miss manners' thing. I just added Laura Claridge's new biography
Emily Post: Daughter of the Gilded Age, Mistress of American Manners to my 'to-read' list on
Goodreads and you should too. So help me if Emily has a dark side I intend to find out. Come on, you know you want to hear about the time she '
dropped her drawers on Broadway'.