Don't even say it - I know. No seriously, internet, I knoooooow. Now don't go thinking that this is lazy-blogger syndrome, because it's not. The. Internet. Is. Still. Not. Installed. And I'm descending into madness. I would make a big deal about how everything should be up and running by tomorrow evening, but that's what I said about Monday, and who knows, maybe I'll be wrong again. So I'll ask you to please cross your fingers, and I'll leave you with something to ponder.
I'm a huge fan of digital photography, especially when it comes to weddings. Check out the
blog of one of my favorite all-time vendors, Kim Hawthorne at Photos Unscripted to read up on that extra "umph" she gets using a little photoshop. The effects make a difference - but are still really subtle, which is exactly what you want for your wedding.